Time for another update. From San Francisco, I made my way up to Klamath Falls. I stayed there for a few days to interview three people for #theroadthroughdadt.
From there, I traveled the Oregon Trail (Highway 30), which, on the first day, was pretty flat, but I saw some free-range antelope. The day got to a whole 58°. I stopped by Bosie, Idaho, for better gloves and a face mask.
I got to Lava Hot Springs to stay at the KOA. There, it was a pretty nice spot. I woke up to a balmy 38°. I waited for a bit for it to warm up. Jack and I are in need of polish with all of this rain.
Traveling yesterday, it tried to rain for most of the morning. Interestingly, I saw a sign that read landslide 70 miles ahead😮. Luckily, Destini called, and she was able to look up that the debris had been cleared three days prior. Traveling I-80, which is a beast due to crosswinds (almost blew my glasses off my face) with 40+ mile-an-hour winds according to one sign, I made it to Laramie last night to stay with my grandma. From here, I head out to Kansas City to see friends.